Mission and Values

Our Mission Statement & Values

A Vision Team was assembled in 2020 to identify and create the values that we will emphasis as individuals and as a church body, to make us the best that we can be. All are invited to join us in making our mission statement a beacon for all. Through our mission statement we expect TRFUMC to be a place:

Where Ordinary People Can Find Extraordinary Hope


To be the best that we can be and to implement the teaching of Christ, we hold ourselves to the core values of Love, Honesty, Accountability, and Forgiveness


This is our reason for being alive. As Christ commanded, “as I have loved you, you must love one another.” By definition love is an outward gesture…we extent it to others. We extend it to you. After all John tells us, “God is love.” Let us practice it every day. Toward others; toward our community.


Forgiveness allows us to move forward without being dragged down by the anchor of unforgiving bitterness and anger and hate. We know that being a forgiving person improves our physical, mental and spiritual health. Be healthy. Pass it on!


People who act with honesty do so from a position of strength. They do not need to resort to the tricks of the weak….lies, deception, manipulation. We all feel the comfort of being honest with one another. John wanted us to understand that, “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue….his religion is worthless.” You are not worthless. You are valuable because you practice honesty.


Rather than “holding someone else accountable” we prefer to act with self-accountability and encourage others to do likewise. We take accountability upon ourselves. And we try to create conditions where accountability can thrive. Rather than blaming others we simply do as we say and promise. We are not afraid to appear before the judgement seat of Christ to receive what is due to us, because we know we have acted honorably.