
WELCOME! John Wesley said, “Do All You Can, Save All You Can & Give All You Can”. John Wesley in stating this finds balance in all things. The FIRST thing I want you to know is that we understand during this pandemic many are unemployed or off of work. If that is your situation, you SHOULD not give. YOU SHOULD contact the pastor ( We have a team that will run groceries and food to you. Our blessing box is checked regularly and filled with non-perishable food items. Anyone is welcome to take from this resource. We say take what you need when you need it and give what you can when you can.

If you are able to give and have some wiggle room during this time, then we encourage you to continue to give in whatever way you can.

Here are ways to consider giving:

  • Mail in your contribution (215 N. Main Street Three Rivers, MI 49093)
  • Give online through PayPal

We believe God is good all the time. We are still finding ways to continue to offer worship online. We are still committed to meeting the needs (doing what we can) for the community. We will always be committed to maintaining the blessing box.

Stay home, stay safe and be well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

UPDATED AND CURRENT SERMONS (no replays here) will continue to be on WRCI (Local Radio Station) every Sunday at 11:30 a.m.


Donate by Mail

215 N. Main Street
Three Rivers, MI 49093